Persian Cat Breed Information

According to the Cat Fanciers’ Association, the Persian is the most popular purebred cat in the U.S. Known for their beautiful coats and adorable faces, the Persian is among the most kind and affectionate of long haired cat breeds. If you think a Persian cat might be right for your home, here is what you need to know.

A Little History

The Persian’s ancestors are believed to date all the way back to the early 1500s in Europe, and in 1878, the Persian participated in the first modern cat show in London. During the early 1900s, Blue Persians were especially desirable among cat fanciers since Queen Victoria had two of her own. Upon arriving in the U.S. in the 1800s they quickly gained popularity, and cat fanciers pushed to move Silver Persians to their own unique breed. That idea was rejected, and today Golden Longhaired and Silver Persians are judged alongside one another at cat shows.

What are Persians Like?

With a fluffy, balanced body, Persians weigh between 7 to 12 pounds, and are considered medium-sized cats. Their large, round heads contrast their slightly small ears and tails, and in the U.S., it is especially common for Persians to have almost no muzzle at all. The most popular coat color is silver; however Persians are born with nearly 100 different colorings including smoke, black, blue, and cream.

Lovingly nicknamed “furniture with fur,” Persians are known for lying dormant for extended periods of time. Nevertheless, they are highly intelligent and playful, and while they genuinely appreciate your attention, they are happy and content without it.

Caring for Persians

Caring for their coats can be somewhat high maintenance. Pet parents should brush their Persian’s coat daily, and many even opt to trim their hair (especially in areas prone to collect debris). You should also bathe your Persian, at least once a month, to help remove litter and other debris that can get trapped in their hair and paws. You will also need to clean their eyes and brush their teeth each day. Regarding their environment, it is best to keep Persians indoors.

A Persian’s life span is 10 to 15 years, and they are prone to certain conditions such as malocclusion of teeth, cherry eye, and polycystic kidney disease1. Persians are also particularly susceptible to allergies and breathing complications because of their short muzzles. Visit your veterinarian regularly to run tests and monitor for symptoms of health conditions.

The Cost

Breeders charge anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars for Persian cats depending on their color and heritage. You will also incur about $1,200 for initial veterinary treatment, food, and supplies in the first year. Each year after that, expect to pay around $600 for routine care and supplies.

No one wants to incur unexpected veterinary costs. Treatment for malocclusion of teeth sometimes requires dental extractions which cost up to about $150 per tooth. Surgery to treat cherry eye can cost around $1,000 per eyelid. Pet parents with a policy from 4Paws Insurance can make important veterinary decisions and worry less about the costs.

Sandy Says
Comments from our Chief Pet Officer

This is another breed to which I have a great affinity. We had a Persian that passed away last year. This breed is known for their quiet and sweet disposition. They love to lounge around or snuggle in your lap. They are very prone to excessive tearing, so you need to clean their eyes often. They also shed excessively, and have very fine hair that sticks to everything. You need to brush them often to avoid their fur matting. They do well with certain dogs, but not aggressive, loud breeds. I have a King Charles Cavalier and they were best friends. They played, ate and slept together.  So, consider the dynamics of your household when adding this breed to your family. 1